Where Are The REAL Preachers?

I've never been one to hide my feelings on certain matters. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, voice my opinion. I apologize in advance if what I say in this blog offends you.

There is a song called "Preacher Tell Me Like It Is" by Greater Vision. It talks about how the preachers aren't confronting sins anymore. They're just preaching the "it's okay to come to church and not change and still call yourself a Christian" message. In the song, the saints are telling the preacher that they want to hear the truth no matter the pain it will bring them.

Today's preachers have gotten away from preaching about hell and about sins. We think that if people get saved the right way but still sin they can still make it to heaven. No one talks about the fact that after you repent, receive the Holy Ghost, and get baptized there is still sin and you can still end up going to hell.

Hell is still real whether you preach about it or not!

We're so concerned that we might offend someone when we talk about the correct way to salvation or talk about standards. As long as what you're saying is the truth you're not offending anyone! "God is convicting them!" 

- Austin


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