When Underestimation Becomes Motivation
A few months ago I got my learners' permit. Since then my dad has been attempting to teach me how to drive. Besides the issue of my spasticity, the biggest problem I'm having is parking straight. And a few days ago I parked straight for the very first time. And to be honest I was VERY proud of myself! I started to think about the time that I went to the neurologist, I was about thirteen or fourteen (it was about time that I should've been getting my permit). My mom and I asked the neurologist if he thought I'd ever be able to drive; after checking my reflexes, his answer was "no". When he answered, he underestimated my abilities. It wasn't until recently when I parked straight that I came to that realization. Coming to this realization made me think about the many times people have underestimated me or my ability to do something. The biggest being when I was six months old and the doctors told my mom that I would never sit, walk, crawl, see, hear, or sp...